Friday, March 04, 2005
And now a word from our sponsors...
Liberator 301 - out now!
The conference edition of Liberator magazine will be available from Liberator's stall at the Liberal Democrat party conference in Harrogate this weekend.
Highlights include:
- An analysis of last year's Euro elections by Professor Michael Steed, which suggests that the Lib Dems need to put more effort into urban areas.
A first-hand report by Peta Bies of the Dutch radical liberal party D66, of the political fallout from the last year's murder of controversial film-maker Theo van Gogh.
An attack by Andrew Toye on Lib Dem right-wingers' elevation of 'choice' above all other considerations in the public services, and the consequences for Britain's poor.
All the regular features, including the latest party gossip in Radical Bulletin, and not forgetting the inestimable Lord Bonkers.
Oh, and another rant by yours truly.
Subscribers can pick up their copy from the Liberator stall. If you're not yet a subscriber, you can visit the stall and sign up for a year's magazines (only £20) or buy a single copy (£2.50).
If you're not in Harrogate, subscribe by mail - full details on the Liberator website, where you can also look at the archive of back issues and see what you've been missing.
No excuses - buy Liberator!